Wide range of sensors for temperature measurement for meteorological applications.
Air Temperature
Sensors for any type of environmental application
Pt100 air temperature sensor for indoor use and, coupled with a radiant screen, for meteorological applications. A 4-wire, Pt100 173 DIN B sensing element guarantees very good accuracy over an extended temperature range.
This sensor is ideal for virtually any kind of environmental application.
Download: MW9000-ENG-01-Air-temperature
Wet temperature sensor (Tnw)
Naturally ventilated humid temperature sensor
Thermometer probe with wet bulb and natural ventilation. ISO7726 standard. The Pt100 element is closed inside a wet cotton sock from a water tank. The water tank has a high reflection factor to avoid water temperature increase due to radiant sources. This sensor is needed for WBGT (ISO77243) heat stress index assessment.
Download: MW9000-ENG-03-Wet-temperature-sensor-TNW
Radiant temperature
Globe thermometer for measuring the radiant temperature
The standard globe thermometer consists of a black-painted copper sphere with a diameter of 150 mm and a thickness of 0.4 mm. It contains a thermometer with its bulb at the center of the sphere. This sensor is described in the ISO7726 standard. Main scope of the radiant temperature measurement in meteorological applications is the possibility of estimate the Mean Radiant Temperature (Tmrt) which is one of the most important meteorological parameters governing human energy balance and the thermal comfort of man in micrometeorological measurements.
Download: MW9000-ENG-02-Radiant-temperature-TG
Surface contact temperature
Sensors for measuring the surface temperature even in severe environments
Plate-made sensor for surface temperature measurements. Its compact dimensions facilitate installation even in small spaces. It can be easily fixed using silicon, adhesive band or thermoconductive paste.
Download: MW9000-ENG-04-Surface-temperature