T1 – TOCADERO Series – On-line TOC Analyzer


The TOCADERO T1 analyzer takes the evolution of modern online water analytics to the next level. TheT1 analyzer platform combines sophisticated water analytics, stringent requirements in terms of accuracy and reliability, and the latest sustainable and future-proof hardware and software solutions. Based on the unique platform architecture of the TOCADERO T1 , the range of available analytical parameters is being continuously expanded.

  • Highest analytical precision with short measuring time
  • Catalyst-free high-temperature process at 1200°C with “Fast Change Technology
  • Most modern hardware components and
  • industry 4.0 features
  • Minimal material requirements and support costs
  • Highest processing quality
  • “Made in Germany”
  • Global service and support
  • Convincing cost of ownership


TOC & TNb Analysis

The sum parameters TOC and TNb are some of the most important parameters in water and wastewater analysis. While the TOC (total organic carbon) provides information about the organic substance pollution in water, the TNb (total nitrogen bound) reflects the nitrogen pollution. The TOC is determined in accordance with DIN EN 1 484 and the TNb in accordance with DIN EN 1 2260. Th thermal oxidation at 1 ,200°Cis particularly beneficial for determining both sum parameters.

•Detection of all organic compounds

•Quick and reliable detection of CO2using NDIR technology

•No catalyst

•Low use of chemicals

Next generation water analytics IIoT/Industry4.0

Conventional systems used for water analysis are usually inefficient, not very intuitive and require a lot of maintenance. The comprehensive expertise at HORIBA TOCADERO and intensive product development carried out with our industry partners means that the new TOCADERO T1 analyzer platform is already meeting the requirements of the future.