The highest sensitivity GC-IRMS system


We developed the GC5 gas chromatograph to deliver the highest performance GC-IRMS system for biogeochemistry and forensic research.

Compound-specific isotope analysis provides a deep-level insight into many geochemical and forensic applications and is considered to be a crucial technique for many laboratories. GC5 offers picomole sensitivity levels for low concentration analytes, while maintaining chromatographic integrity for sample peaks during compound conversion.

Additionally, as a Value-Added Reseller (VAR) partner of Agilent Technologies, the GC5 takes full advantage of Agilent’s market-leading GC technology, such as specialized inlet and detectors, Capillary Flow Technology and 2D GC chromatography, meaning GC5 offers a highly flexible GC-IRMS system for advanced research projects.


Highlights of the GC5


Outstanding levels of detection

thanks to micro-volume GC reactor tubes, offering exceptional fidelity of GC chromatography during sample combustion


Confidence in analysis results

achieved by unique use of continuous O2 furnace dosing, creating improved oxidation conditions and long-term stability of analytical performance

Time-saving, automated Peak Mapping

by lyticOS® Software Suite for rapid processing of complex GC chromatograms

Based on the market-leading GC system from Agilent

for highest sensitivity and flexible choice of proven autosamplers, inlets and chromatography solutions



Outstanding levels of detection 

The GC5 furnace system offers the very highest levels of sensitivity for C, N, O & H isotopes, resulting in outstanding levels of detection for the most demanding applications. The highly robust micro-reactors provide zero dead volume, whilst offering highly dependable levels of oxidation over long timescales, giving unbeatable, lasting performance.

At a glance:

  • Online measurement of δ13C, δ15N, δ2H, and δ18O in compounds separated by capillary chromatography

  • Exceptional furnace tube longevity due to continuous O2 furnace dosing

  • Single-furnace chemistry for δ15N analysis offers simple measurement of amino acid samples

  • Automated O2 recharge for δ15N analysis to guarantee 100 % quantitative conversion to N2

  • δ2H pyrolysis of compounds at 1,450 °C or at 1,050 °C with ChromeHD

  • Agilent 8890 gas chromatograph with split/splitless, PTV, or on-column injectors

  • Unique heart split mechanism allowing eluent to be switched between the onboard flame ionization detector and mass spectrometer

  • Fully compatible with Agilent Capillary Flow Technology for flow splitting/Dean switching

  • Minimum downtime for GC-column and reaction tube exchange

  • Components of interest combusted in a quartz micro-bore furnace, which is designed to be rugged and inexpensive

  • Choice of autosamplers including Agilent 150 position sample tray, PAL3 samples for SPME/Headspace and Gerstel MPS

  • Single quad, triple quad, and time of flight MS hyphenation options


Download: Flyer-GC5-EN