Check-A-Pack 200 Leak & Burst Package Tester

Measurement of micro leak hole size and burst pressure seal integrity for all flexible and semi-rigid packaging.


The Check-A-Pack 200 is a benchtop model with manual sample preparation. Hole size measurement 5 to 200 microns. The instrument is controlled via a touchscreen with embedded software. Test methods can be saved for later recall, and all test results are automatically stored. The instrument has both USB and Ethernet connections for transfer of results if required.


Check-A-Pack 200 has the possibility to run up to 2 test modes in a single test method, these are Leak Testing and Burst Testing, as described below:

1. Leak Testing: In this test the pack is gently inflated and checked for leaks in the range 5 to 200 microns. The test measures the air flow, and calculates the micron estimated hole size, by maintaining a set pressure for a defined time.

2. Burst Testing: In this test, the pack is inflated until it bursts in the range up to 1,000 mbar. The maximum pressure reached is recorded.



  • Manual sample preparation suits a wider variety of pack formats.
  • Tests a wide range of flexible and semi-flexible product packs and components including modified atmosphere packaging, food pouches, trays, pots, sachets, medical packs, pharma blisters, electronic packs, and industrial packaging.
  • Full traceability: operator, line, product, batch number, date, time


  • Touchscreen controller, with password protected test recipes.
  • Connectivity via USB and Ethernet, networking of results.
  • Automatic result database, recall, export, statistics, password protected.
  • Remote access for fault diagnoses, maintenance and supervision.
  • Pneumatic backflush eliminates blocked needles.



Leak & Burst

  • Technology: Mass Flow & Piezoresistive sensors
  • Accuracy: +/- 2% full scale
  • Resolution: 0.1 ml/min & 0.1 mbar
  • Scale: 1000 ml/min & 1.5 bar
  • Sensitivity: 10 microns @ 20mbar & 5 microns @ 500mbar



Download: Brochure Check-A-Pack 200 Leak & Burst Package Tester