Atmospheric pressure

High quality barometers for meteorological applications


Sensors designed for accurate measurement of atmosperic pressure. DQA240.1 is more suitable for LSI-LASTEM data acquisition systems (0-1Vdc output). DQA801 is also suitable for integration in third part systems (0/4-20 mA output), its range is locally selectable by trimmer DQA251 is a high precision instrument for absolute pressure, QNH, QFE, QFF. Long-term stability and a web interface make it the perfect instrument for professional acquisition systems and meteorology, aviation. Heavy duty enclosure IP67, allows an easy installation also in harsh environmental conditions. This sensor is built according WMO and ICAO standards.


  • Wide range of models with technical specifications for meteorological applications;
  • Analogue outputs (DQA240A.1, DQA801);
  • RS485, Ethernet digital output s(DQA251);
  • Very good accuracy: ±0.15 hPa (@20°C) ±0.20 hPa (-40÷60 °C) (DQA251);
  • QNH, QFE, QFF measurements (DQA251, Alpha-Log, ;
  • Alpha-Log data logger is equipped with internal pressure sensor. In this document, tech-nical specification of this sensor are described (Read Alpha-Log column).


Download: MW9000-ENG-22-Atmospheric-pressure